Thursday, October 18, 2012

Aw crap, what am I doing?

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I am doing.  Sadly, I can report nothing.  I have no idea what to do with myself.  While trying to put a portfolio online, I just became so disappointed in the process.  Filing through over 15,000 photos is exhausting, especially with a computer who seems to have more of a personality than I do.

I could say for the moment, I've given up on the idea of creating a website for the sole purpose of doling out a url for those who ask to see my portfolio.  I'm of the variety who loves to touch a photograph, and seeing them online just doesn't make me feel quite the same.

There's also the concern of what to choose.  I know what I like, I know what I want, but do I dare let others take a look with the possibility that they will see nothing?  Yes, but boy does the idea suck.

Which all culminates to this point.  Screw the organization of a portfolio for now.  I love photographs.  All I want to do is share them and have them shared with me (which my friends can testify to my constant nagging for photos) because they all tell a story.  Even if the story is, "I screwed this one up."

The picture above isn't even mine, while editing a relative's recent wedding photos, I found this gem that my husband took of his cousin.  I thought it was a fabulous way to express how I feel about starting this blog and making myself stick to it.  No one can see all the photos I surround my desk and fill my hard drive with, so here I am, putting them out there in the hopes that someone will want to share these visual stories with me and show their own.

 The only value anything has, is what we give it.

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